Good morning everyone …. even though we are in a lock down in Ireland due to Covid-19, we are keeping busy at Jerpoint Park.
Lambing has started for our young son Nicholas – Ewe “Shirley” had twins recently and yesterday Ewe “Maud” had triplets – unfortunately she discarded one lamb, so we are hand rearing this little lambkin called “Louis”. Life is so precious & delicate, but he survived his first night and is doing well.

The grass is in great condition for cutting & with blue skies overhead .. no excuses there. Gates has been painted & many more to do but pleased with progress. Looking forward to opening up again for our guided heritage tours and welcoming our visitors to Kilkenny, Ireland.
All over the world people are been asked to stay on their own property and social distance, but don’t feel isolated or sad, as there are loads of odd jobs or things to do during this time that may have been left on the long finger …. so let’s make that list smaller. Next on the list is the picking of stones from on a patch of grass near the house… not a lover of this chore, but it has to be done, to be lawn again.
Bye for now………………………..