Dear readers of my blog,
The blog is about lambing season at Jerpoint Park, which started at the end of February and was completed in around 4 weeks.
There are alot of twins on the flock now plus one set of triplets and the rest singles.
At the start of the season alot of the ewes need assistance with giving birth as they were first time mums.
Its remarkable how strong and sturdy the lambs become, they were born in this unusual spell of very dry but bitterly cold weather.
They quickly make friends with fellow lambkins and frolicking around the fields, leaping & running in bunches playing “tag”, jumping over little
branches carefree and energetic …… they remind me of me when I was a cute, sweet, aborable little puppy !
Maeve is busy in the Tea Rooms with pre – booking for tea & scones, the majority of visitors from USA followed by Canada, Alaska, Switzerland
& New Zealand, with the diverse range of countries Maeve loves to converse with the different nationalities.
Easter has come and gone but there were lots of things to do in Kilkenny for the adults & kids alike …. especially egg hunts – a wonderful event for
the kids.
Heritage at Jerpoint Park is open for the season – open daily for guided tours.
Heres till next time 🙂